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Our Projects

MinDen project logo

MinDen - Measures for the reduction of emissions from denitrification

Denitrification is an important nitrogen loss pathway in agriculture. In the MinDen project, the effects of crop protection measures (fertilization, soil tillage and crop rotation) on denitrification are investigated.

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Funding period: 2022-2026

Contact at IMK-IFU:
Dr. Kathrin Fuchs
Dr. Conor Simpson
Dr. Benjamin Wolf

Dr. Clemens Scheer


SCENIC project logo

Storyline Scenarios of Extreme Weather, Climate, and Environmental Events along with their Impacts in a Warmer World

Using a novel storyline approach results of climate change should be made more tangible. It IMK-IFU, we use ecosystem modelling to assess the impacts on agricultural production as well as greenhouse gas fluxes.


Funding: Helmholtz Innopool, Funding Period: 2022 – 2025

Contact at IMK-IFU:
Lioba Martin
Dr. Clemens Scheer

MARSA Project logo

Mitigation Assessments for Rice produced in Southeast Asia (MARSA):
DFG Transfer Project
Development of a digital platform based on process-based modelling for quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from rice-based agricultural systems in Vietnam

Funding period: 2022 - 2025

Contact at IMK-IFU:
Dr. David Kraus
Dr. Ralf Kiese

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Logo of ITMS project

ITMS: The Integrated Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System – or in German: Integriertes Treibhausgas-Monitoringsystem (ITMS) – will enable Germany to monitor operationally the sources and sinks of the three most important long-lived greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, N2O with the help of independent measurements.

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Funding period: 2023 - 2026

Contact at IMK-IFU:
Dr. Hannes Imhof
Dr. Andrew Smerald
PD Dr. Ralf Kiese
Dr. Clemens Scheer

Logo of CircAgric-GHG project

The overall objective of CircAgric-GHG is to enhance circularity within and between farm typologies across an agro-ecological gradient, including farms located in the arctic, oceanic, continental, mediterranean and tropic climate. Solutions will be achieved by the combined efforts of scientists, stakeholders and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) including satellite and drone remote sensing, flux-tower and GreenFeed monitoring of livestock and soil emissions, and state-of-the-art environmental modelling.

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Funding period: 2022 - 2025

Contact at IMK-IFU:
Anna-Lena Müller
Dr. Clemens Scheer


logo of project Rhizotraits

Functional rhizosphere traits are of fundamental importance to increase resistance and resilience of yields to future climate change. Future agroecosystems in South Germany will suffer from increasing abiotic stress such as summer droughts. Are key rhizosphere traits capable of increasing the resistance and resilience of crops under drought in order to secure yields? To answer this question, a comparative approach is chosen in this project.
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Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

duration: 2020 - 2027

Contact at IMK-IFU:
Dr. Carolin Boos
PD Dr. Ralf Kiese

Logo of MINCA project
Logo of SUSALPS project

SUSALPS: Sustainable USe of ALPine and pre-alpine grassland Soils in a changing climate

The aim of the SUSALPS project is to improve our knowledge on the effects of current and future climate and management on ecosystem functions performed by grasslands.

Funding period: 2015 to 2025

Contact at IMK-IFU:
Dr. David Piatka
Dr. Elisabeth Ramm

PD Dr. Ralf Kiese
PD Dr. Michael Dannenmann

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Setup of automated measuring system at IBAN field site near Niederselters

IBAN: Integrative assessment of N turnover processes for optimizing nitrogen efficiency

IBAN project investigates the impact of nitrogen management on all environmentally relevant reactive nitrogen compounds, including N2, providing a substantial increase in knowledge with the objective of improving nutrient efficiency.

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Logo of NIFROCLIM project

The Sino-German NIFROCLIM project aims at a holistic, process-based and functional understanding of the gross nitrogen turnover as well as associated nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions regarding the main ecosystems in the permafrost region of Northeast China.

It is jointly funded by DFG and NSFC and involves several institutes and disciplines, including soil biogeochemistry (Michael Dannenmann, KIT-IMK/IFU), atmospheric physics (Chunyan Liu, IAP-CAS), soil science (Carsten W. Mueller, University of Copenhagen) and microbiology (Michael Schloter, TUM+Helmholtz Zentrum München).

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Logo of MOPGA project

MOPGA: Make Our Planet Great Again: reactive Nitrogen

This project investigates the relationships between food production, fertilizer use and climate change. It particularly focusses on the effects of land use and farming on the exchange of greenhouse gases between soils, plants and the atmosphere. The aim is to develop strategies for producing larger volumes of food at a lower environmental cost.

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Logo of Wascal project

UPSCALERS project is an innovative research-for-development projected aimed at integrating climate, crop, and livestock systems to achieve the maximum benefits.

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Logo of NIVEP project

NIVEP: Minimizing Nitrogen Environmental Impacts in Intensive Greenhouse Vegetable Production Systems of China

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Logo of project 'ResidueGas'

ResidueGas will document an improved methodology to quantify N2O emissions from agricultural crop residues management. ResidueGas will further identify and communicate best practice for crop residue management strategies with respect to their net greenhouse gas effect in terms of N2O emissions and SOC storage.

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