© Fawad Khan, KIT
Fawad Khan
PhD student
Research Interests
- Soil underline mechanism (N turnover processes)
- N balance
- N use efficiency
- N uptake by plants
- GHGs emissions
- Soil denitrification
- N leaching
- Soil restauration
before time at KIT IMK-IFU:
- “Composting livestock manure” GNU, South Korea
- Dimethyl Ether (DME) gas application to Greenhouse, Korea
- “Research Center for Professional Education & Practical Technology in SMART FARM”, GNU, South Korea
- Precision agriculture farming, GNU, South Korea
- Strategic development plan of Mardan City (SDP 2020 – 2040, Pakistan)
- “Independent Environmental & Social Monitoring” for World Bank funded Provincial Highway construction project, Pakistan
- “Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)” of Muslims Commercial City in Nowshera, Pakistan
List of publications (TOP 6):
- Khan, F., Basak, J. K., Jaihuni, M., Lee, D. H., Lee, J. H., & Kim, H. T. (2020). Forced Aerated Poultry Compost Effects on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Lettuce Plant Growth. Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 45(2), 104–116. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42853-020-00050-1
- Jaihuni, M., Khan, F., Lee, D., Basak, J. K., Bhujel, A., Moon, B. E., Park, J., & Kim, H. T. (2021). Determining Spatiotemporal Distribution of Macronutrients in a Cornfield Using Remote Sensing and a Deep Learning Model. IEEE Access, 9(February), 30256–30266. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3059314
- Khan, F., Okyere, F. G., Basak, J. K., Qasim, W., Park, J., Arulmozhi, E., Lee, Y. J., & Kim, H. T. (2020). Comparison of different compost materials for growing strawberry plants. Acta Horticulturae, 1296(December), 869–875. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1296.110
- Jaihuni, M., Basak, J. K., Khan, F., Okyere, F. G., Arulmozhi, E., Bhujel, A., Park, J., Hyun, L. D., & Kim, H. T. (2020). A partially amended hybrid Bi-Gru—ARIMA model (PAHM) for predicting solar irradiance in short and very-short terms. Energies, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.3390/en13020435
- Khan F., Na Eun Kim., Anil Bhujel., Mustafa Jaihuni., Deog Hyun Lee., Jayanta Kumar Basak., Hyeon Tae Kim (2021). Assessment of Combined Trichoderma-Enriched Biofertilizer and Nutrient Solution on the Growth and Yield of Strawberry Plants Journal of Biosystems Engineering https://doi.org/10.1007/s42853-021-00102-0
- Kaushalya Madhavi, B. G., Khan, F., Bhujel, A., Jaihuni, M., Kim, N. E., Moon, B. E., & Kim, H. T. (2021). Influence of different growing media on the growth and development of strawberry plants. Heliyon, 7(6), e07170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e07170
- Basak, J. K., Khan, F., Okyere, F. G., Qasim, W., Park, J., Arulmozhi, E., Lee, Y. J., & Kim, H. T. (2020). Determination of the performance of DME combustion gas application on physiological parameters of hot pepper plant in controlled greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae, 1296 (December), 449–456. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1296.58
Email: fawad.khan@kit.edu
Telephone: +49 1631 4241 34