© Longlong Xia, KIT
Dr. Longlong Xia
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Interests
Soil C and N cycles under climate change, greenhouse gases emissions, N2O isotopes, meta-analysis
Curriculum vitae
Longlong Xia (PhD.) Citation: 901 h-index: 15 (Google Scholar)
Research Profiles:
- https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?hl=en&user=lXktt3wAAAAJ&view_op=list_works
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Longlong_Xia2
- Nov.2019-Oct.2021 Humboldt Postdoctoral Researcher at IMK-IFU, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Research project: Response of soil N fluxes to multiple climate change drivers in a montane grassland ecosystem - Nov.2017-Oct.2019 Postdoctoral Researcher at IMK-IFU, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Research project: Closing the nitrogen balance of montane grassland soils and source partitioning of nitrous oxide emissions - Jul. 2017- Nov. 2017 Research Assistant at Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research project: Meta-analysis of the effects of reasonable N managements on food security and environmental quality in China
- Jul. 2017 PhD. Soil Science, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Thesis title: Assessment of greenhouse gas emissions and reactive nitrogen losses from staple food production in China and their mitigation potentials.
Supervisors: Prof. Xiaoyuan Yan - Jun. 2012 B.S. | Shandong Agricultural University, Faculty of Resources and Environment
Thesis title: Effects of the application of controlled-release fertilizer and biochar on wheat growth and its utilization of soil nutrients.
Supervisor: Prof. Min Zhang
Awards and Prizes
- 2018 Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
- 2018 One Hundred Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2017 International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship between Helmholtz And OCPC
- 2017 Excellent Dean Awards of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2017 Outstanding Graduates Award of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2016 National Scholarship from Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China
- 2015 International Visiting Study Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2015 Merit Student Award of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2013 Merit Student Award of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2012 Excellent Graduates Award of Shandong Province
- 2012 Excellent Graduates Award of Shandong Agricultural University
- 2010 National Scholarship from Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China
Selected Publications
- Xia LL, Li XB, Ma QQ, Lam SK, Wolf B, Kiese R, Butterbach-Bahl, Chen DL, Li ZA, Yan XY (2020) Simultaneous quantification of N2, NH3 and N2O emissions from a flooded paddy field under different N fertilization regimes? Global Change Biology, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14958 (IF: 8.6).
- Xia LL, Lam SK, Wolf B, Kiese R, Chen DL, Butterbach-Bahl (2018) Trade-offs between soil carbon sequestration and reactive nitrogen losses under straw return in global agroecosystems? Global Change Biology, 24, 5919-5932 (IF: 8.6).
- Xia LL, Lam SK, Yan XY, Chen DL (2017) How does recycling of livestock manure in agroecosystems affect crop productivity, reactive nitrogen losses and soil carbon balance? Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 7450–7457. (IF: 7.9)
- Xia LL, Lam SK, Chen DL, Wang JY, Tang Q, Yan XY (2016) Can knowledge-based N management produce more staple grain with lower greenhouse gas emission and reactive nitrogen pollution? A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 23, 1917–1925. (IF:8.6)
- Xia LL, Ti CP, Li BL, Xia YQ, Yan XY (2016) Greenhouse gas emissions and reactive nitrogen releases during the life-cycles of staple food production in China and their mitigation potential. Science of the Total Environment, 556, 116–125. (IF:6.6)
- Xia LL, Lam SK, Wang SW, Zhou W, Chen DL, Yan XY (2020) Optimizing nitrogen fertilization rate to enhance soil carbon storage and decrease nitrogen pollution in paddy ecosystems with simultaneous straw incorporation. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 298, 106968. (IF:4.2)
- Xia LL, Xia YQ, Li BL, Wang JY, Wang SW, Zhou W, Yan XY (2016) Integrating agronomic practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while increasing the economic return in a rice-based cropping system. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 231, 24–33. (IF:4.2)
- Xia LL, Wang SW, Zhou W, Yan XY (2014) Effects of long-term straw incorporation on the net global warming potential and the net economic benefit in a rice–wheat cropping system in China. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 197, 118–127. (IF:4.2)
- Xia LL, Xia YQ, Ma ST, Wang JY, Wang SW, Zhou W, Yan XY (2016) Greenhouse gas emissions and reactive nitrogen releases from rice production with simultaneous incorporation of wheat straw and nitrogen fertilizer. Biogeosciences, 13, 4569–4579. (IF:3.5)
- Qasim W, Xia LL, Lin S, Wan Li, Zhao Y, Butterbach-Bahl K (2020) Global greenhouse vegetable production systems are hotspots of soil N2O emissions and nitrogen leaching: A meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution, 272, 116372.
- Harris SJ, Liisberg J, Xia LL, Wei J, Zeyer K, Yu LF, Barthel M, Wolf B, Kelly BF, Cendón DI, Blunier T, Six J, Mohn J (2020) N2O isotopocule measurements using laser spectroscopy: analyzer characterization and intercomparison. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 2797–2831.
- Zhu YH, Merbold L, Leitner S, Xia LL, Pelster DE, Diaz-Pines E, Abwanda S, Mutuo PM, Butterbach-Bahl K (2020) Influence of soil properties on N2O and CO2 emissions from excreta deposited on tropical pastures in Kenya. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 140, 107636.
- Li XB, Li ZA, Zhang XD, Xia LL, Zhang WX, Ma QQ, He HB (2020) Disentangling immobilization of nitrate by fungi and bacteria in soil to plant residue amendment. Geoderma, 374, 114450.
- Tang Q, Xia LL, Ti CP, Zhou W, Fountain L, Shan J, Yan XY (2020) Oxytetracycline, copper, and zinc effects on nitrification processes and microbial activity in two soil types. Food and Energy Security, 9, DOI: 10.1002/fes3.248.
- Shang ZY, Abdalla M, Kuhnert M, Albanito F, Zhou F, Xia LL, Smith P (2020) Measurement of N2O emissions over the whole year is necessary for estimating reliable emission factors. Environmental Pollution, 113864.
- Wang N, Quesada B, Xia LL, Butterbach-Bahl K, Goodale CL, Kiese R (2019) Effects of climate warming on carbon fluxes in grasslands-A global meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 25, 1839–1851.
- Zhou J, Li B, Xia LL, Fan C, Xiong Z (2019) Organic-substitute strategies reduced carbon and reactive nitrogen footprints and gained net ecosystem economic benefit for intensive vegetable production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 225, 984-994.
- Tang Q, Ti CP, Xia LL, Yan XY (2019) Ecosystem services of partial organic substitution for chemical fertilizer in a peri-urban zone in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 224, 779-788.
- Ti CP, Xia LL, Chang SX, Yan XY (2019) Potential for mitigating global agricultural ammonia emission: A meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution, 245, 141-148.
- Li XB, Xia LL, Yan XY (2014) Application of membrane inlet mass spectrometry to directly quantify denitrification in flooded rice paddy soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50, 891–900.
- Zhou W, Xia LL, Yan XY (2017) Vertical distribution of denitrification end-products in paddy soils. Science of the Total Environment, 576, 462–471.
- Wang SW, Shan J, Xia YQ, Tang Q, Xia LL, Lin JH, Yan XY (2017) Different effects of biochar and a nitrification inhibitor application on paddy soil denitrification: A field experiment over two consecutive rice-growing seasons. Science of the Total Environment, 593–594, 347–356.
- Zhao YQ, Xia YQ, Ti CP, Shan J, Li BL, Xia LL, Yan XY (2015) Nitrogen removal capacity of the river network in a high nitrogen loading region. Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 1427–1435.
- Min J, Lu KP, Sun HJ, Xia LL (2015) Global warming potential in an intensive vegetable cropping system as affected by crop rotation and nitrogen Rate. CLEAN-Soil Air Water, 44, 766–774.
Email: longlong.xia2@kit.edu
Telephone: +49 159 08476353