Dr. Clemens Scheer
Head of Research Group 'Landscape Fluxes'
Head of Research Topic 'Environmental Smart Agriculture'
Dr. Clemens Scheer is a laureate fellow for the Franco-German Program on Climate, Energy and Earth System Research under the BMBF funded Initiative "Make our Planet great again". His research in the field of environmental and agricultural science investigates the relationships between food production, fertilizer use and climate change. His current project is focusing on the application of biogeochemical models to improve greenhouse gas inventories from agricultural soils and develop region specific climate-smart management strategies for a sustainable management of global agricultural ecosystems.
Research Interests:
- Reactive nitrogen requirements for global food security
- Soil microbial carbon and nitrogen turnover and trace gas exchange in the soil, plant atmosphere system
- Balance and magnitude of reactive and non-reactive nitrogen losses from agro-ecosystems
- Process oriented modelling of carbon/ nitrogen turnover in terrestrial ecosystems
- Stable Isotopes in Environmental Sciences
Projects involved in:
- MOPGA-Nr: Make our planet great again - reactive Nitrogen
Curriculum Vitae:
- 2019- Leader of research theme “Environmental Smart Agriculture” at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT/IMK-IFU).
- 2019- Adjunct Associate Professor, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia.
- 2019- Laureate fellow for the Franco-German Program on Climate, Energy and Earth System Research under the BMBF funded Initiative "Make our Planet great again".
- 2013-2019 Senior Researcher at the Institute for Future Environments (IFE) and Senior Lecturer at QUT, Australia.
- 2009-2012 Postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Sustainable Resources. QUT, Australia.
- 2008 Ph.D. (Agricultural science) University of Bonn, Germany. Title “Biosphere-Atmosphere-Exchange of C and N Trace Gases and Microbial N Turnover Processes in Irrigated Agricultural Systems of the Aral Sea Basin, Uzbekistan”
- 2005-2006 Researcher at the ZEF / UNESCO Project in Uzbekistan: “Economic and Ecological Restructuring of Land and Water Use in the Region Khorezm”.
- 2003-2004 Environmental Consulting and Engineering services, GEOMECHNIG, Munich, Germany
- 1996-2002 Study of Geo-ecology (Geoökologie) at Univ. of Bayreuth with focus on Atmospheric Chemistry and Hydrology.
Link to Google scholar:
Clemens Scheer @ Google scholar
Email: clemens.scheer@kit.edu
Telephone: +49 8821 183 245
List of publications @ KIT IMK-IFU
The vulnerability of European agricultural areas to anthesis heat stress increases with climate change
2025. Environmental Research: Food Systems, 34 S. doi:10.1088/2976-601X/adb03d
Intercropping Legumes Improves Long Term Productivity and Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in Sub‐Saharan Africa
2024. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38 (10), e2024GB008159. doi:10.1029/2024GB008159
Aggregation of activity data on crop management can induce large uncertainties in estimates of regional nitrogen budgets
2024. npj Sustainable Agriculture, 2 (1), Art.-Nr.: 7. doi:10.1038/s44264-024-00015-3
In-situ N
2024. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 375, 109193. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2024.109193
Fates of slurry-nitrogen applied to mountain grasslands: the importance of dinitrogen emissions versus plant N uptake
2024. Biology and Fertility of Soils. doi:10.1007/s00374-024-01826-9
Unraveling microbial processes involved in carbon and nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas emissions in rewetted peatlands by molecular biology
2024. Biogeochemistry, 167, 609–629. doi:10.1007/s10533-024-01122-6
A new incubation system to simultaneously measure N
2024. Biology and Fertility of Soils. doi:10.1007/s00374-024-01809-w
Lysimeter-based full fertilizer 15N balances corroborate direct dinitrogen emission measurements using the 15N gas flow method
2024. Biology and Fertility of Soils. doi:10.1007/s00374-024-01801-4
Revised emission factors for estimating direct nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen inputs in Australia’s agricultural production systems: a meta-analysis
2023. Soil Research, 62, Article no: 23070. doi:10.1071/SR23070
Modeling Denitrification: Can We Report What We Don't Know?
2023. AGU Advances, 4 (6), e2023AV000990. doi:10.1029/2023AV000990
Challenges of accounting nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural crop residues
2023. Global Change Biology, 29 (24), 6846–6855. doi:10.1111/gcb.16962
A redistribution of nitrogen fertiliser across global croplands can help achieve food security within environmental boundaries
2023. Communications Earth & Environment, 4 (1), Art.-Nr.: 315. doi:10.1038/s43247-023-00970-8
A global dataset for the production and usage of cereal residues in the period 1997–2021
2023. Scientific Data, 10 (1), Art.-Nr.: 685. doi:10.1038/s41597-023-02587-0
Denitrification Losses in Response to N Fertilizer Rates—Integrating High Temporal Resolution N
2023. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128 (9), Art.: e2023JG007391. doi:10.1029/2023JG007391
Modelling Gas Exchange and Biomass Production in West African Sahelian and Sudanian Ecological Zones
2021. doi:10.35097/437
Dataset: Global crop residue management dataset (1997 - 2021)
2023, September 18. doi:10.35097/989
Global variations and drivers of nitrous oxide emissions from forests and grasslands
2022. Frontiers in Soil Science, 2, Art.-Nr.: 1094177. doi:10.3389/fsoil.2022.1094177
Use of
2023. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 125 (2), 89–93. doi:10.1007/s10705-023-10269-x
Significant Global Yield-Gap Closing Is Possible Without Increasing the Intensity of Environmentally Harmful Nitrogen Losses
2022. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, Art.-Nr.: 736394. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2022.736394
Strategies for mitigating N2O and N2 emissions from an intensive sugarcane cropping system
2023. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 125 (2), 295–308. doi:10.1007/s10705-023-10262-4
Wetting and drainage cycles in two New Zealand soil types: Effects on relative gas diffusivity and N
2022. Geoderma Regional, 29, e00504. doi:10.1016/j.geodrs.2022.e00504
Amplitude and frequency of wetting and drying cycles drive N
2022. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 58 (5), 593–605. doi:10.1007/s00374-022-01646-9
Long term impact of residue management on soil organic carbon stocks and nitrous oxide emissions from European croplands
2022. Science of The Total Environment, 836, Art.Nr. 154932. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154932
Interaction between soil and fertiliser nitrogen drives plant nitrogen uptake and nitrous oxide (N
2022. Plant and Soil, 477, 647–663. doi:10.1007/s11104-022-05458-6
Nitrogen use efficiency and N
2022. Geoderma Regional, 29, Art.-Nr.: e00498. doi:10.1016/j.geodrs.2022.e00498
Improving nitrogen use efficiency in irrigated cotton production
2022. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 125 (2), 95–106. doi:10.1007/s10705-022-10204-6
Combining nitrification inhibitors with a reduced N rate maintains yield and reduces N
2022. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 125 (2), 107–121. doi:10.1007/s10705-021-10185-y
Trade-off between ‘new’ SOC stabilisation from above-ground inputs and priming of native C as determined by soil type and residue placement
2020. Biogeochemistry, 149 (2), 221–236. doi:10.1007/s10533-020-00675-6
Soil type, bulk density and drainage effects on relative gas diffusivity and N2O emissions
2020. Soil research, 58 (8), 726. doi:10.1071/SR20161
The fate of urea ¹⁵N in a subtropical rain-fed maize system: influence of organic amendments
2022. Soil research, 60 (3), 252–261. doi:10.1071/SR21101
Important constraints on soil organic carbon formation efficiency in subtropical and tropical grasslands
2021. Global change biology, 27 (20), 5383–5391. doi:10.1111/gcb.15807
Climate impacts on global agriculture emerge earlier in new generation of climate and crop models
2021. Nature Food, 2, 873–885. doi:10.1038/s43016-021-00400-y
No sugar yield gains but larger fertiliser
2021. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 121, 99–113. doi:10.1007/s10705-021-10167-0
Environmental and economic trade‐offs of using composted or stockpiled manure as partial substitute for synthetic fertilizer
2022. Journal of environmental quality, 51 (4), 589–601. doi:10.1002/jeq2.20255
Modeling gas exchange and biomass production in West African Sahelian and Sudanian ecological zones
2021. Geoscientific model development, 14 (6), 3789–3812. doi:10.5194/gmd-14-3789-2021
Sources of nitrous oxide from intensively managed pasture soils: The hole in the pipe
2021. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (6), 065004. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abfde7
Global Research Alliance N₂O chamber methodology guidelines: Considerations for automated flux measurement
2020. Journal of environmental quality, 49 (5), 1126–1140. doi:10.1002/jeq2.20124
Effect of soil cap and nitrate inflow on nitrous oxide emissions from woodchip bioreactors
2021. Ecological Engineering, 166, Art.-Nr.: 106235. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106235
Exponential response of nitrous oxide (N
2021. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 313, Art.-Nr.: 107376. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2021.107376
Combined effect of nitrogen fertiliser and leaf litter carbon drive nitrous oxide emissions in tropical soils
2020. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, 118 (2), 207–222. doi:10.1007/s10705-020-10094-6
Editorial Overview: Climate change, reactive nitrogen, food security and sustainable agriculture - the case of N
2020. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 47, A1–A4. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2020.11.001
Estimating global terrestrial denitrification from measured N
2020. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 47, 72–80. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2020.07.005
Measuring denitrification and the N
2020. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 47, 61–71. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2020.08.006
Effect of the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) on N-turnover, the N
2020. Scientific reports, 10 (1), 2399. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-59249-z
Why future nitrogen research needs the social sciences
2020. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 47, 54–60. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2020.07.002
Nitrate removal and greenhouse gas production of woodchip denitrification walls under a humid subtropical climate
2020. Ecological engineering, 156, Art.-Nr. 105988. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2020.105988
Field-scale management and environmental drivers of N2O emissions from pasture-based dairy systems
2020. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, 117 (3), 299–315. doi:10.1007/s10705-020-10069-7
From research to policy: optimizing the design of a national monitoring system to mitigate soil nitrous oxide emissions
2020. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 47, 28–36. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2020.06.003
Improving N₂O emission estimates with the global N₂O database
2020. Current opinion in environmental sustainability, 47, 13–20. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2020.04.006
Carbon limits non-linear response of nitrous oxide (N2O) to increasing N inputs in a highly-weathered tropical soil in Sri Lanka
2020. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 292, Article No.106808. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2019.106808
Nitrogen use efficiency of ¹⁵N urea applied to wheat based on fertiliser timing and use of inhibitors
2020. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, 116, 41–56. doi:10.1007/s10705-019-10028-x
Mobile continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometer system for automated measurements of N₂ and N₂O fluxes in fertilized cropping systems
2019. Scientific reports, 9 (1), Article no: 11097. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-47451-7
An improved 15N tracer approach to study denitrification and nitrogen turnover in soil incubations
2016. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry, 30 (18), 2017–2026. doi:10.1002/rcm.7689
Sampling frequency affects estimates of annual nitrous oxide fluxes
2015. Scientific reports, 5, 15912. doi:10.1038/srep15912
Influence of nitrogen fertiliser application and timing on greenhouse gas emissions from a lychee (Litchi chinensis) orchard in humid subtropical Australia
2013. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 179, 168–178. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2013.08.013
The relationship between N₂O, NO, and N₂ fluxes from fertilized and irrigated dryland soils of the Aral Sea Basin, Uzbekistan
2009. Plant and Soil, 314, 273–83. doi:10.1007/s11104-008-9728-8
Methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in annual and perennial land-use systems of the irrigated areas in the Aral Sea Basin
2008. Global Change Biology, 14, 2454–68. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01631.x
Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilized, irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in the Aral Sea Basin, Uzbekistan: influence of nitrogen applications and irrigation practices
2008. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40, 290–301. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2007.08.007